Sometimes life hits you hard in the face. Difficult life circumstances brings you to your knees making you feel an overwhelming sense of powerlessness. Daphne Richardson a Gospel Artist, Minister, Vocal Coach, You-tuber and Vocalist from Ottawa, Canada sends a strong message to the world, a message of hope, endurance and love as inspired by the love of Christ that she has experienced in her own life. Daphne’s passion for Jesus and the message of the Gospel is her source of inspiration in all she does. Her passion is reflected in her dynamic worship style and powerful vocals

"2020 has been a year unlike any other. It has challenged our beliefs and tried to invoke fear in us. Fear seems to be the only response from the world but as believers, we know that God is with us. The Lord gave me this song as an anthem for anyone for anyone who is enduring a difficult season. His instruction is very simple: "Be Courageous. Be strong. I am with you. I will not fail you." Enjoy this joyful bump that carries an empowering word from God." - Daphne Richardson
Listen below:
'Living for Jesus is the best decision I have ever made' - Daphne
Daphne released her debut single "You Found Me" Feb. 2020. She then released her second worship single "Where Else Can I Go" in June 2020.