Are there times that you’ve given up easily in praying or seeking God’s faith about something you wanted? Times you should have fasted but gave excuses?
Nigerian-born Irish singer and doctor has recently released a new single called 'When Desperation Meets Faith.' It is a Contemporary Christian Song that will be sure to lead you to the throne room in worship.
Ebi says "I got the inspiration for this song when I was listening to a podcast from Vous Church. DawnChere Wilkerson was talking about the way a mama fights for her child, from the story of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15. Her daughter was sick and she was asking Jesus to heal her. What stood out was the lengths she went to; she put aside her comfort and kept going despite his silence. She didn’t let anything stop her, she knew Jesus could heal her daughter so she put aside her pride, refused to get angry or feel insulted, and argued her case. Finally, Jesus was moved by the greatness of her faith, and her daughter was healed.
I wrote this song as a reminder that God is the only One who can truly satisfy us and heal our brokenness. What if we lived our lives with the mindset of complete dependence on God - like our very next breath depends on Him? Sometimes, we need to get tired of the current situation that brings us pain, forget about projecting an air of perfection, and seek God in faith and desperation. Because that’s when He shows up strong".
This song was recorded in the renowned Stabal studio in London along with visual recordings which will be released in the near future. Stream to 'When Desperation Meets Faith' here
Follow Ebi Oginni on all social media platforms for updates on future releases